MSS Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Blog
Helpful information and tips for residential carpet cleaning, commercial carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile cleaning and more
How to Get Hot Glue Out of Fabric
Working with your kids last minute on their science project and made an unexpected mess with hot glue? Now you're wondering how to get hot glue out of fabric. Whether you got hot glue on some fabric or on the carpet, we have the solutions in this article....
Considerations For Carpet Cleaning Traffic Lanes
What are Carpet Traffic Lanes? Traffic lanes are the areas in a home or business where people repeatedly walk the most. Hallways, doorways and pathways around furniture see more walking traffic. Less used rooms or areas, under furniture and other less...
How to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet
How To Remove Nail Polish From Carpet Of all the things you could spill on your carpet, you might believe that nail polish is among the worst to remove. Fortunately, in many cases, there are do-it-yourself solutions to getting nail polish out of carpet....
Using Baking Soda on Carpet for Cleaning and Deoderizing
Baking soda has many useful purposes. Among these is using baking soda as a carpet cleaner and deodorizer. Baking soda is both inexpensive a well as widely available. It’s safe for you and your family, the environment, and for your carpets too. How to...
I shampooed my carpet and now it smells like urine
Among the more common things we hear at MSS Cleaning is some variation of the phrase “I shampooed my carpet and now it smells like urine”. We’re going to break down the reasons why this common phenomenon occurs. Then we’re going to give you some tips on what to do...
How to Avoid Sketchy Carpet Cleaning Companies and Shoddy Work
Avoiding Sketchy Carpet Cleaning Companies and How To Deal With a Poorly Done Cleaning Have you ever dealt with a carpet cleaning company that didn’t do what they said they would? We get emails and phone calls all the time from customers who have been...
Brown Spots On Carpet After Cleaning
My carpet turned brown after professional carpet cleaning You just had your carpet professionally and now you have brown spots on the carpet after cleaning. That’s not exactly the result you hoped for, right? Typically there are two major causes for brown...
How Long Does it Take for Carpets to Dry?
Wet and soggy carpet can be concerning. Understandably, you’d prefer your carpets to be dry sooner than later. Usually after a carpet cleaning, carpets are dry in 6-10 hours. For a flood or other more extreme amounts of water, we provide detailed answers to each...
Why Does a Carpet Stain Keep Coming Back?
Causes of Reappearing Carpet Stains and How to Deal With Them If you’re reading this, you’re already probably frustrated with that carpet spot you’ve been working on but the carpet stain keeps coming back. As a professional carpet cleaning company, we...
Nylon vs Polyester Carpet – Which is Best?
Nylon and Polyester Carpet Comparison When buying new carpet, there are plenty of choices. Almost all carpets sold these days are synthetic carpet. Choosing between Nylon vs. polyester carpet, two of the most commonly chosen carpet fibers, can be tough....
What Caused my Carpet to Buckle?
Carpet Buckling and Ripples Carpet buckling is a common problem that you’ve probably seen before. There are a number of factors that contribute to carpet developing buckling or ripples. This article will explore some of the common causes for carpet...
Smelly Carpet After Cleaning
Smelly Carpet After Cleaning Why Does My Carpet Smell Worse After Carpet Cleaning? You just had your carpet cleaned (or cleaned it yourself) and now you have a smelly carpet after cleaning. Wasn’t the idea to make the carpet smell better, not worse? Let’s explore the...
How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet
How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet Safely and Effectively Remove Coffee Stains From Your Carpet How to Get Coffee Out of Your Carpet Coffee is great for a morning pick me up. However, it’s not so great for clean looking carpets. If you’re like most people, at some...
How to Get Blood Out of Carpet
Here's How to Get Blood Out of Carpet Quickly and Safely Remove Blood Stains From Your Carpet Removing Blood Stains from Carpet You’ve had an accident and you cut yourself. Or maybe your dog cut its paw and you didn’t realize it before he/she tracked blood...
How to Get Slime Out of Carpet
Here's How to Get Slime Out of Carpet Removing Slime From Your Carpet Safely Doesn't Have to Be Difficult Uh oh. Slime! Everywhere we look, kids are obsessed with Slime. It’s fun the play with, we don’t blame them. But now, as a parent, it’s a little bit...